Monday, December 22, 2008

Quickbooks basically for free - today only!!

At the past couple of gatherings, I've had quite a few conversations with people about managing the finances of a photography business. I know that many of us have been looking to get Quickbooks! Staples is having a today only rebate on Quickbooks Professional. After rebate, you end up just paying the sales tax. I just jumped on this. Click on the link below to take a look...

Staples Quickbooks for free!

Happy Holidays,
Steve D Photography

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

the b&w holiday project/dec 2008. caroline tran

When I think of the holidays, I immediately think of twinkle lights and bokeh. A client originally wanted to decorate her house with holiday decor for her baby's shoot, but didn't have the time. I suggested her to just bring a strand of twinkle lights and some ornaments. My husband held up the twinkle lights in the background and I pulled them all the way into the foreground. I didn't anticipate the yawn, but the yawn was totally an added bonus as I do equate the holidays with sleeping in. Nothing like curling up in a warm bed.

- caroline tran

Sunday, December 14, 2008

the holiday project/Dec 2008 . Steve Davis

I saw this scene late one night on my way home from Orange County. I thought it was just what I'd been looking to shoot for my holiday project. From the beginning I'd envisioned a nostalgic black and white treatment for the image. After playing with various lengths of exposure, I settled on the 14 seconds you see here.

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

the purple project/Oct 2008. andreanna arambula

Honestly, I was completely stumped by this project. Finally I decided to just shoot the first thing I saw that was purple. I really loved the texture of it, almost like a powdery marshmallow creme....

Andreanna :) milk & honey studio

the purple project/oct 2008. caroline tran

This was a difficult project for me. I'm not a purple person, so i had no idea what to photograph. I couldn't think of anything purple, so I decided to do a silhouette photo during sunset and add a purple tint in photoshop. The bottom picture was my original intention. The top image came about after playing in photoshop.
- caroline tran

Thursday, December 11, 2008

For my Purple Project I did something that is slightly more abstract but showed some form of action and motion as well.  I have always loved watching food coloring swirl around as it's being added to what ever mixture it intends to manipulate. But finding purple food coloring was actually a bit difficult. So I did what any color-aware-person would do and mixed blue and red together and got a REALLY dark purple. In order for the purple to come out, I shot a light through the back of a clear glass with some paper covering the back part of the glass. I love the movement in the image. I get lost looking at all the curves and different shades of purple. 

Benjamin James 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

the purple project/Oct 2008 . Vanie Poyey

The first thing that came to mind when I thought of purple, was purple ice. Don't ask why. I tend to stick to my first instinct, or gut image so to speak, when doing these projects. Now making my initial vision a reality was something else. I had to place my ice in a glass bowl to make it transparent, then I had to place a soft box underneath the ice. Since placing the bowl of ice, even on a glass table, obstructed the light, I used my assistant's arms to help hold the bowl over the softbox. Oh and the most crucial part...I placed a couple of purple gels over the soft box.

the purple project/Oct 2008 . Steve Davis

For my purple project image, I wanted to play with creating something more abstract then I usually do. I ended up using my wife's purple Sari blowing in a breeze hanging from a line of white twinkle lights that decorate our backyard.
